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Think like a marketer: how to target your open enrollment campaign

Find out what you can learn from smart marketers to identify and engage the right people for the most engaging Open Enrollment campaign ever.


It’s that time of year again, and your people would rather throw a dart at a list of health plans than read Open Enrollment materials. This lack of engagement leaves your people confused, your (carefully crafted) resources unused, and causes overall dissatisfaction with the Open Enrollment process for you and your people.

This year, we turned to some of the best and brightest marketers we know to help you learn from their experiences and create the most engaging Open Enrollment ever. Previously, we shared two tips on how to plan for a successful OE. Today, we’re looking at targeting—how can you identify the right people and make sure your content is reaching them the right way? Read on to learn more.

TIP #3

Know your audience

At the beginning of any marketing campaign, the first question a marketer asks is: “Who is my audience?” Without knowing who you are marketing to, you can’t begin to figure out how to best communicate to them.


Understand your buyer
Consider the different groups in your population and map out the unique communications challenges associated with each.

TIP #4

Optimize your content

Once marketers understand who they are marketing to, they can start crafting tailored messages to each group. The key is to consider the best delivery method for each group, leveraging different channels to meet people where they are.


Content is king
Map your content to your audiences, using the appropriate channels for each group.

Beyond content mapping, make sure to follow the cardinal rules of marketing for maximum impact. We go into depth on these in our marketer’s guide, but in general, keep these in mind:

  • The 30 second rule: Marketers know that they have 30 seconds (or less) to grab people’s attention. Spark your audience’s attention with bold graphics, snappy subject lines, and more.
  • The Call to Action (CTA) rule: Whether it’s to visit your Open Enrollment wiki page, RSVP to a benefits event, or sign up for one-on-one help with someone on your team—make sure your people know what action you want them to take as a result of your communication.

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