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A new look for Collective Health’s employer reporting and analytics suite

We just launched the most significant redesign of our employer reporting product since its initial launch in 2015.

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Whether you are a benefits manager, CHRO, CFO, or CEO, the need to understand the performance of your health benefits investment is imperative. “What’s working? Where can I make improvements to support my people?” These are important questions, but it’s easy to get lost in a sea of data, until now…

Today, Collective Health launched the most significant redesign of our employer reporting product since its initial launch in 2015.

What is changing about our product today:

With this product release, we’re enhancing the experience for our employer and consultant partners on two fronts:

  • A complete redesign, making it easier to find information and paving the way for further expanded functionality over the next few months.
  • New controls to further safeguard sensitive benefits data.

Our 50+ enterprise clients will have access to this functionality immediately.

A more intuitive experience

We’ve made significant changes, redesigning the employer interface with updates to the overall styling of the system, making it easier to organize and understand data and analytics. Page navigation (with links to the People, Claims, Documents, and Account settings pages) has shifted from the top of the page to the left in a new nested structure that enhances functionality while maintaining an easy-to-navigate design.

More data often means more confusion. The People tab, where benefits teams can understand their employees’ health plan elections, is a great example of how our redesign has made it easier to find the most relevant information quickly. The new interface allows benefits teams to more clearly see total enrollment numbers as well as the percentage of employees enrolled across each plan. To accommodate employers with multiple plans, there’s additional room to clearly see everything in one place. If a client wants to get in the weeds, they can easily download their membership census too.

We’ve also moved the employee search field to the top of the screen, so benefits teams are able to quickly review and ensure enrollment data is accurate. For example, a benefits team member may search for “John Smith”, and find that he’s left the company, but is enrolled in the company’s COBRA plan.

People Tab Before:

People Tab After:

This same logic applies across the Claims tab, which benefits teams use to understand their top-line health benefits spending.

Updated Claims Tab

Additional privacy safeguards

Trust is paramount and a need for privacy safeguards is imperative to us at Collective Health. Clients have always had controls to manage and define user roles, ensuring that the right people can connect to the right information. Today, we are further enhancing those safeguards with new user roles that allow clients more granular control over which users have access to claims and enrollment data. Authorized users within an organization access these privacy configurations from the Account tab. This functionality was built in response to feedback from our client and consultant partners, and with a keen focus on member privacy.

Account Tab Before:

Account Tab After:

What’s next:

Over the last 18 months, we’ve spent countless hours with clients, consultants, and industry thought leaders to understand how our product should evolve. To that end, we’re already hard at work on the next phase of our analytics and reporting suite. In the coming months, we’ll be adding new capabilities that allow employers to drill into their aggregate claims data, better understand cost drivers, and support decision making throughout the plan year.

Expect even more in the new year and we look forward to hearing your feedback!

If you want to learn more about these updates to our employer products at Collective Health, please get in touch below.

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